world time??

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Years From Now by Aizat Hamdan


What will I be years from now
What will I wear how will I look
I think too much I think too much

(Verse 1)
Sometimes its scary over thinking
What you have or haven't done
You think too much you think too much

(Verse 2)
Will the rain smell the same
Will our loosing trentrous game
And the star much shine
The color seems so blurry

Will l endup all alone
Without a shoulder to cry on

What will I be years from now
I have answered them but none have answered me
And when my time has come
I hope my last seconds in this life will have you
Will have you...

(Verse 3)
Will the rain smell the same
Will our loosing trentrous game
And neglect most people views
Seems so worthy

Friday, November 5, 2010

Good listener??

Hari ada seorang sahabat telah dikecewakan, macam biasa cubalah pujuk dia.
Dia seorang yang sangat kasihan dari kecil, kematian emak pada umur 10 tahun, selalu diejek kawan-kawan sekolah, dan sekarang telah ditinggalkan apabila status keluarga diketahui.
Agaknya kenapa dia ditinggalkan? Banyak kali dia bertanyakan soalan itu kepada aku, tetapi aku sendiri tidak mampu menjawabnya, hanya mereka yang melakukan sedemikian boleh menjawabnya. Buatlah apa yang kamu suka sehingga boleh melupakannya, itulah yang aku ucapkan kepadanya.